

SustFin B.V. is a company that provides independent advice on finance and sustainability. Its predecessor Sustainability in Finance was founded in 2001. From policy development to implementation, stakeholder management, training, communications and board positions, SustFin focuses on helping financial organizations embrace and embed sustainability in finance. SustFin is a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).


SustFin's sole owner and consultant is Marcel Jeucken. Marcel has more than 25 years of experience in finance and sustainability, from executive firm-wide management to hands-on implementation, research, sales, marketing, strategy, and communications. Marcel started his career at Rabobank in 1996 as a senior economist with a focus on sustainable banking. In 2001, he was seconded to the World Bank's Carbon Fund as a Fellow. In 2003, Marcel moved from Rabobank to Triodos Bank and the newly established Dutch Sustainability Research (DSR, a predecessor of Sustainalytics) to lead on product development, sales, and advice to clients on responsible investments. In 2006, Marcel moved to PGGM, at the time Europe’s second largest pension fund (around 270 billion euro AUM in 2021), to establish a Responsible Investment team. During his year tenure from 2006-2017, PGGM developed into a globally recognised leader in responsible investment. Marcel was a member of PGGM Investments' Management Board, Investment Committee (AM), and Investment Policy Committee (FM). 


At SustFin, Marcel guides and has assisted many organisations on their sustainability journey as advisor or in supervisory roles, including at ABP, Anthos Fund and Asset Management, PGGM, PNO Media pension fund, VGZ, Bouwinvest, SPMS, Pensioenfonds Horeca&Catering, ABN AMRO pension fund, Shell pension funds, APF pension fund, ASR, APG, Principles for Responsible Investment, the Dutch Pension Fund Association, MSCI, TKP Investments, ABN AMRO bank, Labaton Sucharow, Tang Financial, and Federated Hermes Investment Management.


Marcel holds advisory, executive or supervisory positions at investor organizations such as PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment), Eumedion (vice chair), IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, treasurer), ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network), Qvercvs, and SPIL (Sustainable Pensions Investment Lab). Marcel is member of the investment committee of AEGON multi-managers funds (formerly TKPi, fiduciary and asset manager for Dutch pension funds), member of the impact investment committee of ABN AMRO-AEGON, member of the advisory board of Patrizia Sustainable Communities fund, and member of the advisory board of Tang Financial.


Marcel leads the CIO Exchange network in the Netherlands and is a trainer for CFA-RBA, TIAS, Moneco, SPO, and in-house trainer for financial institutions. He has written numerous papers and books on sustainability and finance since 1997 and holds a PhD on the subject.


For more information about Marcel Jeucken, please download his biography here.




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